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screw beautiful. I'm brilliant.

and I like to eat


If you were waiting for a sign, this is it.

A lot of us are waiting for a sign. And this sign is for you, my dear reader, this is the sign you've been waiting for all your life. It's time for you to get your lazy ass off of that couch and keep moving forward.

You'll find that your friends are getting fitter and sexier at the moment and you're probably thinking to yourself "man I won't be able to catch up with them anyway, why should I start.." eeeek! You're wrong. It's never too early or never too old to start being fit and healthy.

If you feel ugly because you're "fat", take it back. Like what the picture above states: "You are not fat, you have fat." Fat is temporary, you know. It's always up to you if you want to get rid of it. (I tell myself I'll get rid of it, not "lose" it because losing it means I can find it again!)

One more thing. If you're going to start working out because you feel ugly, you're wrong again. You've always been beautiful. Now you're just choosing to be healthier, stronger, faster, fitter, and most probably- happier. So what's the downside to this? Nothing!

Stop with your excuses. Excuses don't burn calories- they burn my ears.

Get off of that couch and wear your shoes. Run. Start running and stop complaining because complaining will get you nowhere. Exercise isn't dangerous. No exercise is. RUUUUUN!!!!!

Don't tell me you have no time to workout. You're reading this blog post right? It's not even important for your school or work, and you tell yourself you have no time? You HAVE time. You just choose to spend it in a sedentary activity. If you really are busy with school or work, wake up an hour earlier than you would usually do. Workout during your long breaks. Climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Climb it back and forth if you'd want to burn that extra calorie you ate during lunchtime. You don't make excuses. You make time. A 15-minute workout is way better than no workout. Find time. Make time. 

Stop giving yourself the bad opportunity to stay inactive. Stop with your excuses.

Stop it with your delaying tactics. We all know that you'll keep saying tomorrow, then something magically more important will come up tomorrow and say tomorrow again. Do it now because "later" often becomes "never." Do it now and you'll be one step closer to your dream body. I'm telling you, starting would be the hardest part, but it's going pay off. When you start seeing results as early as 2 weeks, would you want to give up?

Now here's your sign.
Get off of that couch and MOVE!

*DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part of the pictures posted on the blog.


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