April 5, 2014, Day 8
I slept around 10pm last night and woke up at 6:30am this morning. Made breakfast and lunch for today. It's CloseUp Forever Summer day!!!
7am | Breakfast
Chicken, Shiitake, Boiled Spinach
Then I worked out from 11am-1pm and went back home to eat lunch.
1:30pm | Lunch
Chicken, Egg, Boiled Spinach, Patola (?)
Okay so after lunch, I took a bath and slept for 2 hours (2:30-4:30pm) and woke up to shower (again!) and prepare everything for the night.
5:30pm | Snack
I ate another meal before heading out to Chych's place. Chicken, Shiitake and Veggies.
We left at 7pm to fetch Remick and went to Rockwell to eat dinner! We ended up in Zaifu since Chych was craving for Japanese food. Nomnomnom
8pm | Dinner
I ordered Grilled Tuna for dinner
10:03pm | Stuck in Traffic
We left Rockwell for Circuit Makati at around 9pm and arrived at 11:00pm. WADDUP
The restroom line was long too, so we got to see our friends at 12am. Zzz..
11:30pm | FINALLY
Chych and I
View from the SVIP area
Chych and I again
Jaime: "let's have a picture so I'd be in your blog" LOL
Remick, Chych, Jaime
Jem and Cheska
And Cheska with other people LOL (Cam, Nico, Carmi?)
Tiff & Sel
Chych, Eileen, me, Steph
Tiff, Anna, Tona, Jem, Hill, Sel
Chych, me, Remick, Cheska
Cheska, Hill, Tiff, Anna
Plus me!
Cheska & Enzo
Hill, Tona, Tiff, Jem, Ed, Francis, Anna, Sel (Where was I..)
Hill, Jem, Sel
A blurry group pic with the people I love most! <3
Jem and Ed
It was a great night, but still URF > 7107 > Sonic > CloseUp :D
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