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screw beautiful. I'm brilliant.

and I like to eat


Happy Kruzpit Anniversary to meee


Soooo I did my first CrossFit Bootcamp WOD last April 8, 2013 at the CFMNL Libis box

Trial WOD:
7 mins AMRAP

7 Box Jumps
7 Burpees
7 Wall Balls

Box Jumps
Hi coach Raf


Wall Balls

First impression (in my head) during the first round: WTF it's so easy???
Then coach Raf told me to stay calm and pace it. (Err I didn't listen) the third round I was already panting so much


It was also a coincidence (maybe) because after my trial, I was hospitalized-
 3 different hospitals in one week. (Only got to take a picture on my 2nd and 3rd hahah)

(I even met Miriam Defensor in Cardinal Santos \o/)

So I never came back to CrossFit because I thought CrossFit = hospital

...until January 2014 when my sister *cough* forced *cough* me to join her in the day's class.

This time I joined the WOD. (not bootcamp class) I didn't know anything about lifting weights. I've never even lifted - except for a 1 lb dumbbell on each hand for PE in high school. LOL. Here in CrossFit, I lifted my first bar- the lightest one (25#) without plates for lunges. It was challenging yet I sort of liked it.

(Ofcourse I didn't do chest to bar)

And I loled when I looked back at one of my old posts:

I deadlifted 45! Hahaha

Coach Bets was at the front desk at the time I was going to apply for a membership. I was originally going to sign up for just a month but she suggested that I go for 1 year's membership.

She said 1 year membership = push = no quitting. So I got the 1 year membership and tadaaaa it's my 1st CF anniversary today!!! :)